The  Preaching  Ministry  of  Tim  D.  Trivette

The  Preaching  Ministry  of  Tim  D.  Trivette


P R E A C H   P R E A C H E R !

Every Preacher needs a Preacher . . .

. . . and maybe more so than most, I am no exception.  The Lord has providentially and perfectly place certain men of God in my life that have become friends, encouragers, mentors, heroes, not to mention some of my most favorite Preachers.  

  The audio links found below are sermons that were preached by these men and hold firm in my heart to be those very special messages and moments I will never forget.  My prayer is that the sermons you will hear preached by these special men of God in my life will minister to your heart as they have mine, and that as you listen you find yourself saying…  G O   A H E A D   A N D   P R E A C H    P R E A C H E R ! ! !

“For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord…”   2 Corinthians 4:5            

         - Bro A.C Cooper

         Bro Ken Trivette

         - Bro Ken Trivette

         - Bro Larry Winkler

         - Bro Elijah Pickel

         - Bro Elijah Pickel

         - Bro Elijah Pickel

         - Bro John Pullen

         - Bro Tyler Trivette

         - Bro Tyler Trivette

         - Bro Tyler Trivette

         - Bro Tyler Trivette

         - Bro Mason Holiday

         - Bro Gary Higgins

         - Bro Eddie Ellison

         - Bro Richard Mason

        - Bro Robert Johnson

       - Bro Scott Standrich

        Bro Caleb Lyndsey

        - Bro Cody Bullman 
